Saturday, November 7, 2015


So... why do people cheat on their significant other? As we talked about infidelity, we identified these steps.

1. Thoughts: It begins with the mind. We talked about fantasy and the effect of thinking about other people than your spouse.

2. Visual: Pornography, looking and admiring, and comparison of others and their bodies.

3. Romantic/ Emotional: connecting with others emotionally or even spiritually.

As we began talking, it is interesting that those that commit infidelity, usually never expected it. It usually just happens with old friends or those that share or shared personal/emotional/spiritual experiences. It is not just physical like I assumed. One of the greatest ways to have infidelity is at work. Those that are at work begin to gossip or talk about others and their personal life and begin to have friends and some of them become more than that.

I was told a story of a man at work that became friends with a women next to her. She was cute, sweet, and they had a lot in common. As the days, weeks, and months went on the man realized that he was starting to have a connection with this woman and he did not want that. So he went to his boss and requested to move, his boss first refused then as the man told his boss of the situation, he said of course and the man was moved. I realized by this story that infidelity is a choice and it can be a avoided. I know that some of the greatest sorrow is from infidelity, so BE STRONG and work through your problems and love the one you are with.

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